booking engine
Multiply your profitability by receiving direct bookings.
With our booking engine for vacation rentals, multiply your direct sales by receiving online bookings from your website and OTAs where you advertise
the booking engine for vacation rental managers and property managers
Our booking engine adapts to the design of your website or can be converted into your website. It’s up to you ;)
We develop all-in-one tourist websites: PMS, integration with the main Channel Managers, and our own integrated Booking Engine to facilitate day-to-day management and be conversion-oriented.
In addition, your website will be optimized for SEO whether you choose our customizable templates or we develop your website from scratch.
boost your direct sales, attract potential customers and optimize your business with our solution
our booking engine adapted to your business
- We can develop your website step by step from scratch to suit your needs or you can choose between one of our templates.
Our websites are responsive, that is, fully adapted to mobile devices.
In addition, the websites include an editor with which you can easily modify both text and images, and you can create a blog to keep your website active and well positioned for SERPs.
- You will be able to extract all the information on prices, availability, photographs and characteristics of the accommodations, directly from the PMS and it will send all the direct booking made. You will have all the centralized information.
- With the integrated booking engine you will be able to increase direct reservations and make advance payments TPV, Paypal or other means of payment.
- Increase visits and conversion ratio to direct sales thanks to the integrated SEO engine that will help you in the SERPs. You will manage your entire website from the PMS.
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